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About us

At De Haas Shipyards, there is one thing that always take priority: client satisfaction. It sounds simple,  but we’ve committed ourselves to the highest standards of customer care. We’ve been doing this since our beginnings in 1879 and will continue to do so. We achieve high quality in newbuilds, ship repair, maintenance, refit and life extension thanks to our cutting-edge facilities and the passion and professionalism of our people.

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Travelift tekening

Onze missie

Aperibus est, apis delit lit, officientium reperum dolorepudam facerep erupta vernam, sae. Itam sitest serrovi duciis res volore, od et ut volorion rehent ut endel et aut hicidi si volupta santo tem. Evel iminctem quatatur, sime parchilit occumque eumditae vel ipsandicia. Cusciet eumque nonecusae nistibus idus, sendandit, qui iCsam volent molorum qui dendis simagnatus saped mo occus sus pro evendipsus es.

Travelift tekening

Onze visie

Aperibus est, apis delit lit, officientium reperum dolorepudam facerep erupta vernam, sae. Itam sitest serrovi duciis res volore, od et ut volorion rehent ut endel et aut hicidi si volupta santo tem. Evel iminctem quatatur, sime parchilit occumque eumditae vel ipsandicia. Cusciet eumque nonecusae nistibus idus, sendandit, qui iCsam volent molorum qui dendis simagnatus saped mo occus sus pro evendipsus es.

Committed and reliable

De Haas Shipyards works for a wide range of clients including governments, shipping companies and independent entrepreneurs. Each one of them a leader in their field and, like ourselves, demanding of the best results.

This commitment to quality is evident in our way of working. Safety and sustainability have always formed part of our core identity. This extends to our employees – as well as the clients and subcontractors working at our yards – and to the environment. With shipyards in busy locations in the centre of Maassluis and at the RDM site in Rotterdam, our focus on safety is logical. We regard quality, health & safety and the environment as core values and a compass for our company.

De Haas Shipyards is a family business that has been in operation for almost a century and a half. Combining a respect for history and tradition with an eye on the future and continuity, we are committed, expert, accessible, transparent and reliable.

In 1979 verscheen een bijzonder boek ter ere van het honderdjarige bestaan van de werf. Henk de Haas schreef in dat boek: “Bij m’n vader, grootvader, tantes en ook gepensioneerde werknemers hing ik al als kleine jongen aan de lippen als ze vertelden over Maas- sluis, haar visserij, en hiervan natuurlijk niet los te denken, de werf.”

Deze woorden zijn kenmerkend voor de rijke historie van De Haas Maassluis. Een werf waar altijd al toekomstgericht is gewerkt. Dat blijkt bijvoorbeeld uit de bijzondere draagvleugelboot PL30 Aquavion die in de jaren vijftig werd ontwikkeld en gebouwd en toen zijn tijd ver vooruit was.

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Martijn van Gemerden


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We are always looking for good colleagues and usually have specific vacancies open.

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